car rental app 1

The present COVID-19 guidelines influence a positive response in the car rental business. People will prefer sanitized cars for rental over the regular public transport services. Car Rental App like Hertz

According to statista., the car rental business was to cross a whopping $16.2 billion in 2019. 

Such growth in the car rental business promises excellent revenue for the investors. So, if you are looking forward to building a car rental application like Hertz, chances are you are stuck with the queries of development and cost of the Application.

Furthermore, the key features that the Application must have and the best app development company to connect with for the job will also begin to tick on your mind. Don’t worry, by the end of the article; all your queries will be over. 

Let us have a glance at how the business through car rental apps work successfully without buying a single car to invest. 

How does Car Rental Business Work via Application?

Unlike a taxi service, the car rental service via Application is relied on when the user needs to travel long or short distances without having to do with the driver. Mostly, service is availed during the holiday seasons, but due to the CORONA pandemic, people will be relying on it even in non-holiday seasons.

Multiple cars, including wagons, luxury, or sports cars, are accessed via the Application. However, for offering them over the Application, you will need the database of the car owners and local car rental businesses that provide them.

By having the database integrated with the Application, you will successfully carve out revenue as a mediator without having to buy them. Database integration is easy to do once the Application is complete.

Must-have Features in a Car Rental App like Hertz

You need to connect with an experienced mobile app development company in India to develop a car rental application like Hertz. A car rental application should have distinct customer-friendly features like filter search, convenient booking & cancellation, quick payment, etc.

car rental app like hertz

Dedicated app developers best integrate all such features. So, it’s encouraging to outsource your project to a reliable app development company having experience in similar projects.

The development company will incorporate diverse app development strategies depending on the nature and needs of your business.

#1. For Startups: If you are an entrepreneur and have recently been thinking of investing in a car rental app, your business strategy aims to aggregate multiple car rental agencies and private car owners. So, the Application’s development strategy is a combination of the B2C & C2C business model.

#2.  Car Rental SMEs: If you are already running a car rental business and want your services to be available on the digital platform, B2C strategy will be followed in the Application’s unique design and dedicated development.

Some of the must-have features for a car rental app like Hertz that makes it popular among the users are as follows:

1. Easy Signup

A simple signup page asking for a few essential details like name, contact number, email id, and acceptance of terms and conditions must be available for every new user. The signup page must be crisp and concise, avoiding details.

The signup page should be available on the menu section and not compulsory when the user is merely navigating or searching through the app. It is in the business’s best interest that we recommend sign up only after the final booking and just before the payment pop-ups. 

Hence just like Hertz, your app will be allowing guests and user login options to the clients.

Essence:  Keeping the signup page short and quick enhances the Application’s UX (user experience). Filling too many answers like separate columns for full name and date of birth will be discouraging, especially when the user is in a hurry to book and travel.

2. Simple Search

The users of the car rental application must feel a natural flow fulfilling their needs. The first thing that must be displayed when a user tap opens the Application should be the search menu.

The search menu is developed to function in the following ways:

  1. Manual put up of pick up location.
  2. Allows geolocation services to determine and detect the user’s present location. It is the usual process followed in Hertz. 
  3.  Have a built-in interactive map for reaching the car station.

Essence: An application is accessible all over the world. So, the user having downloaded must know whether the services are available at his present location. 

The simple search operation will help the user in realizing whether the rental business covers his present location. The user proceeds with more confidence when assured about it.

3. Listing of the Cars

Whether you have invested in a startup or the owner of an SME, the cars’ listing must be well organized. Based on the budget you can go for a diverse and unique design of car listing. 

An adorable fact about car listing is that even minimalistic UI (user interface) designs look appealing and attractive. Some of the most features while displaying the car listing are

  1. The model or brand of the car.
  2. A recent photo of the vehicle.
  3. Charges based on days, and weeks.
  4. Location of pickup and returns.
  5. The number of seats available to the user.
  6. Highlighting the luggage space.
  7. Ratings from previous customers.
  8. Fuel charges, if any.
  9. Promotional offers.
  10.  Cancellation Policy.

Simple search filters based on rate, brands, number of seats, etc. makes it fun to find the perfect car for one’s journey. Integrating them over the Application is a must for the ease of the users.

Essence: Digital platform is all about having all the information at one’s palm. Natural selection of one’s favorite brand offers a delightful experience to the users. It also promotes a loyal customer base to your car rental application. 

A happy customer tends to recommend the services to other potential customers flourishing your business.

Did you know? The revenue of Hertz stood at a whopping 9.779 billion USD for the year 2019.

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4. Offer in Detail

Traveling is a part of the essential daily activity for most of us. While some of us tend to be revheads, many lack detailed information about a particular car brand. 

A detailed section is where the user can pick up short and crisp details of the basic car features like maximum speed, mileage, etc. We consider these minor details as essential elements of the Application. 

Furthermore, suppose your business is a startup and planning to invest in a peer-to-peer model. In that case, it will act as a significant space where car owners can highlight their vehicles or instruct additional information related to cars.

Essence: It will help the clients make a well-informed decision and be the perfect space to highlight all the benefits of a particular brand or vehicle.

5. Modes of Payment 

Once a user is done with the choice of cars and wants to proceed with the final booking, he must have access to safe and secured payment options. The more the number of payment options like cards, online banking, and e-wallets, the easier it will be for them.

However, if the user is new to your Application then the signup page must appear before the payment option. 

A simple notification reading, “Kindly, complete a single-time quick sign up before you pay for your favorite car.” Clicking on this notification must land the user to the signup page. This can also be avoided when the user is on guest login. 

Essence: Multiple payment modes allow quick transactions bringing revenue to the business and booking confirmation to the client in no time. 

Did you know? The net income of Hertz stood at $58 Million for the year 2019.  

6. Notifications

A car rental application is a type of eCommerce platform, and so push notifications play a vital role in enhancing the UX of the app. Experienced mobile app development companies understand and address these features effectively.

The following notifications may be integrated over the Application:

  1. Reminding the customer 24 hours before the actual booking period begins.
  2. Requesting to complete an abandoned reservation.
  3. Alerting two to three hours before the rental reservation gets over. 

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7. Admin Panel

For a successful running eCommerce application like Hertz, a powerful backend is essential. The Application’s backend will allow you to manage cars, payments, reservations, dashboards, etc. 

Essence: Although this feature will not be accessible to the clients, it helps you in the integration and deletion of cars, confirming and rejecting reservations, etc.

Having gained a clear idea of multiple features that must be available in your car rental application, you must be thinking about the financial bearings of it.

So, How Much does it Cost to Get a Car Rental App Developed?

cost of car rental app

Well, the answer is not definite in this case and would depend upon the following major factors.

#1. Nature of the Application: The complexity level depends on the number of features you want to integrate into your Application. Based on the number of features, an application is categorized as a basic, medium, and advanced.

If you are a startup, you may avoid the Application’s advanced features to have it developed within your budget. 

#2. Target Platform: While you have the flexibility to either go for Android or iOS, it is best to go for the cross-platform option. Cross-platform is the latest trend for the successful launch of an application.

You can easily hire cross-platform developers to work using popular cross-platform languages like Flutter, Vue Native, etc.

Hiring a cross-platform developer may be a bit costlier than a single platform developer, but it comes with the perks of greater reach to the audience.

#3. Development Team Hourly Rates: The skilled team’s rates largely influence the cost of the Application. The development team constitutes multiple members performing diverse development tasks. 

Dedicated app developers from an experienced company provide the best app development experience to the customers. The team needed for a car rental development constituent of the following: 

  • Project leader having a rate of $20 to $25 per hour.
  • Developers charge around $35 to $45 per hour.
  • The backend team charges a price of $18 to $25 per hour.
  • UI/UX designers team having a rate of $15 to $20 per hour.
  • The Quality Assurance team charges a price of $16 to $20 per hour.
  • The maintenance team is having a rate of $18 to $25 per hour.

Where to Move Next?

A medium-level car rental app developed to offer Hertz’s basic features can require approximately 2 months of time costing around $30,000 to $50,000. The exact cost and time depend upon the features selected for the app. 

You are having all your queries cleared! You must be thinking whom to connect with for the job? A car rental app like Hertz requires dedicated working hours from skilled developers.

As it has features of eCommerce, it is best to connect with an app development company that holds years of experience and have done similar projects in the past.

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2 thoughts on “Car Rental App like Hertz: How to Create One & Costs Involved

  1. I would like to get a car rental app developed in my country Morocco. Can you help?

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