Building a White Label App:

Did you know? As of 2023, the global mobile app revenue amounted to over $935 billion.

Now, in 2024, the trend continues to soar. 

But what about businesses looking to capitalize on this boom without the hefty development costs? 

This is where “white-label” solution comes in. 

These allow businesses to swiftly launch branded apps with customized features, skipping the hassle of starting from scratch.

But why are businesses turning to white-label apps? 

What advantages do they offer? This web blog uncovers the answers. 

Let’s discover how white-label apps are revolutionizing the app development landscape from cost-effectiveness to rapid deployment. 

What are White-Label Apps?

So, what exactly is white-label software? 

It’s when a product made by one company (let’s call them Company A) is sold to customers under another company’s brand (let’s call them Company B). 

Take Walmart, for instance. 

They buy products from manufacturers and sell them under their brand.

This concept isn’t limited to any industry, including mobile app development. 

Let’s break it down with an example:

  • Imagine you (Company A) have created a white-label Android app for food delivery.
  • Now, let’s say a restaurant (Company B) wants to offer its customers an easy way to order from its menu using their smartphones. So, they buy the app from you.
  • The restaurant customizes the app with their branding, making it seem like they built it themselves. Meanwhile, you handle support and maintenance so the restaurant staff can focus on their work.
  • But it doesn’t stop there. The app has all the features needed for food delivery, so you can offer it to other restaurants, who can customize it to fit their brand.

Based on a white label mobile app, this partnership allows restaurants to get a fully supported solution with minimal investment quickly. 

But how does this benefit the provider (Company A)? 

Let’s talk about that in detail….

White Label Mobile Apps Vs. Custom Mobile Apps 

So, before moving on to the benefits, let’s understand the difference between white-label and custom mobile apps

Regarding mobile app development, businesses often face the dilemma of choosing between white-label and custom mobile apps. 

Let’s explore the differences and considerations:

White-Label Apps Designed for Success!

Accelerate your business success and drive meaningful results with high-performance white-label apps engineered for excellence.

White Label Mobile Apps Vs. Custom Mobile Apps 

Benefits of White Label App Development 

Building a white-label app offers several advantages, making it an attractive business option. 

Benefits of White Label App Development 

Let’s explore some key benefits:

Increased Speed to Market 

White-label apps allow businesses to skip the time-consuming development process and launch their app quickly. This accelerated time-to-market gives them a competitive edge.


Developing an application from scratch can be expensive. 

With white label mobile app development, businesses can save on development costs by using pre-built solutions, making it a cost-effective option.


White-label apps offer flexibility and customization options to tailor the app to the specific needs and branding of the business. 

This customization ensures the app aligns with the business’s unique requirements and branding guidelines.

Branding Opportunities 

White-label apps allow businesses to strengthen their brand identity by offering a branded app to their customers. 

This reinforces brand recognition and loyalty among users.

Access to Expertise 

Leveraging white label mobile app builders gives businesses access to expertise and resources they may not have in-house. 

This includes access to experienced developers, designers, and support teams, ensuring a high-quality app that meets industry standards.

Businesses utilize advanced app building software to create fully customizable white-label apps tailored to their brand’s unique requirements and specifications.

Consider this scenario – 

A local restaurant wants to offer online ordering to its customers. 

Using a white label mobile app, they can quickly launch a branded app tailored to their menu and preferences. This allows them to compete with larger chains and cater to modern consumer preferences without investing in extensive development efforts.

Challenges of White-Label Apps 

In the fast-paced world of mobile app development, businesses are increasingly turning to white-label solutions for convenience and cost-effectiveness. 

However, despite the benefits, challenges abound. 

From lack of uniqueness to dependency on vendors, businesses encounter hurdles that can impact their success. 

Challenges of White-Label Apps 

Let’s explore the key challenges in detail: 

Lack of Uniqueness 

  • White label app development often lacks uniqueness, as multiple businesses may use the same underlying template or codebase.
  • This can make it challenging for businesses to differentiate themselves from competitors and stand out in the market.

Limited Customization Options

  • Many white-label app solutions offer limited customization options, restricting businesses from tailoring the app to their specific needs and branding requirements.
  • This limitation can hinder businesses from fully expressing their brand identity and providing a unique user experience.

Dependency on Vendor 

  • Businesses opting for white-label apps often depend on the vendor for ongoing support, updates, and maintenance.
  • This dependency can pose risks if the vendor fails to deliver on their promises or experiences issues that affect the app’s performance.

Potential for Brand Dilution 

  • White-label apps may carry the risk of brand dilution, mainly if multiple businesses in the same industry use identical or similar-looking apps.
  • This can lead to confusion among users and diminish the perceived value of the brand associated with the app.

Support and Maintenance Issues 

  • Businesses may encounter challenges related to support and maintenance when using white-label apps.
  • Issues such as bugs, security vulnerabilities, or compatibility issues may arise, requiring timely resolution to ensure uninterrupted app functionality.

Despite these challenges, businesses can mitigate risks and maximize the benefits of white-label apps by choosing a reliable mobile app builder. 

By selecting a builder that offers customizable solutions, robust support services, and a track record of success, businesses can overcome challenges and leverage the advantages of white-label app development for their growth and success in 2024.

Which Industries Use White Label Apps?

Which Industries Use White Label Apps?

Wondering which industries leverage white-label apps for their businesses? 

Let’s explore five key sectors where these versatile solutions are making a significant impact:

Retail and eCommerce

  • White label mobile apps empower retail businesses to offer seamless shopping experiences to their customers.
  • Retail chains use white-label apps for online ordering, loyalty programs, and personalized shopping experiences.

SocialPilot is one of the examples of white-label apps. 

Hospitality and Travel 

  • Hotels, resorts, and travel agencies utilize white-label apps to streamline booking processes and enhance guest experiences.
  • Hotel chains deploy white-label apps for easy room reservations, concierge services, and loyalty rewards.

Food and Beverage

  • Restaurants, cafes, and food delivery services leverage white-label apps to facilitate online ordering and delivery.
  • Local eateries partner with white-label app builders to create branded apps for convenient food ordering and delivery tracking.

Healthcare and Wellness 

  • Healthcare providers and wellness centers adopt white-label apps for telemedicine services, appointment scheduling, and health tracking.
  • Telehealth platforms utilize white-label apps to connect patients with doctors for virtual consultations and medical advice.

Finance and Banking 

  • Financial institutions, banks, and fintech startups deploy white-label apps for mobile banking, payment processing, and financial management.
  • Neobanks and digital payment platforms offer white-label solutions to businesses, enabling them to provide branded banking experiences to their customers.

These industries harness the power of white label mobile apps to enhance customer engagement, streamline operations, and drive business growth. 

SalesPype is one such example of a finance-based white-label application. 


Overview of a White-Label App Architecture 

Wondering how a white-label app is structured? 

Let’s take a closer look at the architecture:

Front-end Design 

The front-end of a white-label app is what users interact with. It includes:

  • User interface (UI) elements include buttons, menus, and screens.
  • Design customization options to tailor the app’s look and feel to the client’s brand.
  • Integration with backend functionalities for seamless user experience.

Back-end Functionality 

The backend of the app handles data processing and business logic. It includes:

  • Database management for storing user data, orders, and other relevant information.
  • Server-side scripting to execute business logic, process user requests, and generate responses.
  • API integrations with third-party services for features like payment processing and location services.

White-Label App Architecture

Admin Panel 

The admin panel provides a centralized interface for managing app content and settings. It includes:

  • Dashboard for monitoring app performance, user activity, and revenue metrics.
  • Content management system (CMS) for updating menu items, pricing, and promotional offers.
  • Access control features to define user roles and permissions for app management.

Customization Options 

White-label app builders offer extensive customization options to meet client requirements. These may include:

  • Branding customization to incorporate client logos, colors, and themes.
  • Feature customization to add or remove functionalities based on client preferences.
  • Scalability options are available to accommodate future growth and expansion of the app.

Integration Capabilities 

White-label apps support integration with a variety of third-party services and tools. This enables:

  • Seamless integration with existing systems and software used by the client.
  • Enhanced functionality through integrations with payment gateways, analytics platforms, and marketing tools.
  • Flexibility to adapt to evolving business needs and technological advancements.

Technical Support and Maintenance 

White-label app builders provide ongoing technical support and maintenance services to ensure:

  • Continuous operation of the app with minimal downtime or disruptions.
  • Regular updates and enhancements to address security vulnerabilities and improve performance.
  • Timely resolution of issues and queries to ensure client satisfaction and app success.

Understanding the architecture of a white-label app is essential for both clients and developers. 

With the right structure, white-label apps can offer flexibility, scalability, and customization options to meet diverse business needs.

Two Main Approaches to Selling a White Label App

When selling a white-label app, businesses have two primary approaches. Each approach offers its own set of advantages and challenges. 

Let’s explore these two methods in detail:

Direct Sales Approach 

The direct sales approach involves selling the white-label app directly to businesses or individuals who are interested in using it for their purposes. Here’s how it works:


  • Direct control over the sales process.
  • Allows for personalized pitches and demonstrations.
  • Potential for higher profit margins per sale.


  • Requires significant time and effort to identify and reach out to potential customers.
  • May involve longer sales cycles due to individual negotiations with each client.
  • Limited reach compared to other distribution channels.

Companies like Shopify and Wix offer white label mobile app builders, allowing businesses to create custom-branded apps for their customers.

Reseller or Partner Program Approach

Alternatively, businesses can opt for a reseller or partner program approach, where they collaborate with other companies or individuals who act as resellers or partners to sell the white-label app on their behalf. 

Here’s a breakdown of this approach:


  • Leverages the network and resources of resellers/partners for broader reach.
  • Allows for faster market penetration through multiple sales channels.
  • Can lead to increased brand visibility and credibility through partnerships.


  • Less direct control over the sales process and customer interactions.
  • Requires careful selection and management of resellers/partners to maintain brand reputation.
  • Revenue-sharing agreements may result in lower profit margins per sale.

Companies like Appscrip provide white label mobile apps for various industries, and resellers market and sell these apps to their clients.

Which Approach Is Right for You? 

Now that you’re familiar with both approaches, the question remains: which is the best fit for your business? 

Consider the following factors to make an informed decision:

Consider Your Resources 

Are you equipped to handle direct sales, or do you prefer partnering with resellers who can extend your reach?

Target Audience 

Are you targeting individual users or businesses? Your target audience can influence your choice of approach.

Business Goals 

What are your long-term business goals? Your chosen approach should align with your overarching objectives.

Tips to Choose the Best White Label App Development Company in 2024

Choosing the right white-label app development company is crucial for the success of your project. 

Tips to Choose the Best White Label App Development Company

Here are some essential tips to help you make an informed decision:

Define Your Requirements Clearly 

  • What features do you need in your white label mobile app?
  • Are there any specific customization options you require?
  • Understanding your requirements will help you narrow down your options.

Evaluate Expertise and Experience 

  • How long has the company been in the white-label app development industry?
  • What is their track record of delivering successful projects?
  • Look for companies with proven expertise and experience in building white label mobile apps.

Check Portfolio and Client Reviews 

  • Review the company’s portfolio to see examples of their previous work.
  • Read client reviews and testimonials to gauge their satisfaction level.
  • A strong portfolio and positive client feedback are indicators of a reliable company.

Assess Customization Options 

  • Does the company offer flexible customization options to tailor the app to your brand?
  • Can they accommodate your specific design and branding requirements?
  • Ensure the company can deliver a fully customized white label mobile app that aligns with your brand identity.

Consider Support and Maintenance 

  • What support and maintenance services does the company offer post-launch?
  • Do they provide timely updates and technical assistance?
  • Choose a company that offers reliable support to ensure the smooth operation of your white label mobile app.

Compare Pricing and Packages 

  • Request quotes from multiple white-label app development companies and compare their pricing.
  • Consider cost evaluation factors such as features, customization, and ongoing support.
  • Choose a company that offers competitive pricing without compromising on quality.

Verify Licensing and Compliance 

  • Ensure the company complies with licensing requirements and adheres to industry regulations.
  • Verify they provide proper documentation and legal agreements for the white label mobile app.
  • Working with a licensed and compliant company mitigates potential risks and ensures legal protection.

Seek Recommendations and Referrals 

  • Ask for recommendations from industry peers or colleagues who have experience with white-label app development.
  • Referrals from trusted sources can help you identify reputable companies and avoid potential pitfalls.
  • Consider leveraging professional networks and online communities to gather insights and recommendations.

Schedule a Consultation 

  • Arrange a consultation with the shortlisted white-label app development companies to discuss your project in detail.
  • Use this opportunity to assess their communication skills, professionalism, and understanding of your requirements.
  • A face-to-face meeting or virtual consultation can provide valuable insights into the company’s suitability for your project.

Trust Your Instincts

  • Ultimately, trust your instincts when choosing a white-label app development company.
  • Select a company you feel comfortable working with and confident in their ability to deliver results.
  • Your intuition can often guide you toward the best decision for your business.

Diversify your revenue streams and unlock new business opportunities with custom white-label apps. 

Boost Revenue Streams with Custom Apps!

Diversify your revenue streams and unlock new business opportunities with custom white-label apps.

To Conclude

As we conclude our exploration of building white label applications in 2024, it’s evident that while challenges exist, the advantages far outweigh them. 

White-label apps offer businesses a cost-effective, time-efficient solution to enter the market swiftly. 

With the demand for mobile app development services skyrocketing, white-label solutions provide a competitive edge. 

PixelCrayons stands ready to assist businesses in navigating these challenges and reaping the benefits. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing white-label app development opens doors to endless possibilities. 

Whether you’re a startup looking to make your mark or an established enterprise seeking innovation, consider the advantages and challenges carefully. Let PixelCrayons guide you toward success in 2024 and beyond.

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