Expense Management Application

The expense management app is designed to simplify the tracking of travel expenses for business users. It automates the process and provides real-time visibility, making it easier for accounting teams to manage expenses. The app streamlines the submission and approval process, saving valuable time for accounting teams.

Technology Used:
  • Android
  • IOS
  • React Native

Project Type

Our team developed an expense management app that automates the tracking of travel expenses for business users. With real-time visibility and simplified submission and approval processes, the app streamlines expense management, freeing up valuable time for accounting teams. The result? Enhanced productivity, cost savings, and more efficient travel expense tracking for our client.

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  • Android
  • IOS
  • React Native

Key Challenges

  • Integration with external APIs to understand the API's documentation, authentication methods, and data formats to integrate them into the application.
  • User interface design to input users' starting and ending locations, select transportation modes, and view routes and schedules while they travel.
  • Complex algorithms to calculate the fastest or most efficient traveling route based on multiple factors such as distance, time, transportation options, and traffic conditions.
  • Storing and retrieving traveling data like user preferences, route history, and other data using local data storage such as SQLite, SharedPreferences, or Room, or cloud-based storage such as Firebase to store and retrieve data.
  • Testing and debugging journey planner to test different scenarios and edge cases to ensure your app works correctly. Tools used are Android Studio's debugger, emulators, and automated testing frameworks such as Espresso to test your app thoroughly.
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Proposition & Solution

  • The Admin panel, built with ReactJS, allows businesses to manage expenses efficiently through features such as user management, expense management, claim management, and more.
  • The Android and iOS mobile app provides users with an easy way to submit claims for expenses and mileage and track their approval status. The app offers different roles for flexibility and control in management, including End User, Approver, and Financer.
  • This project is a robust solution for businesses operating in multiple regions and currencies, with features like VAT/TAX and currency management. The expense type management system categorizes and tracks all expenses, providing valuable insights into spending habits.
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Our Development Process

  • The Discovery Phase- Our developers analyze the project requirements, gather the necessary resources, and create a development plan. They also define the project's scope, objectives, and timeline.
  • The Execution Phase- The development team will start coding using the latest technologies and frameworks. They would implement the functionalities and features as defined in the project requirements.
  • Sprint Base Project Delivery-Our IT professionals use an agile development methodology and a sprint-based approach for project delivery. In each sprint, the development team will work on user stories, features, or tasks from the project backlog.
  • The Deployment Phase- The development team will then deploy the application to the client's servers or cloud environment. They will also provide training and support to the end users.

Salient Features

  • Expense Tracking
  • Expense Categorization
  • Expense Reporting
  • Approval Workflow
  • Software Integration

Results & Benefits

The final product is an accurate and high-performing expense management application. It provided our client with real-time visibility and simplified submission and approval processes, resulting in enhanced productivity, cost savings, and more efficient travel expense tracking.
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