Shop With Us

This is an e-commerce website which is developed to offer all the means and more to its customers. It makes your shopping an amazing experience as you can buy anything at just one click by just sitting at home.

Technology Used:
  • Dot Net
  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • MySQL 5

Project Type

Since an online merchant understands the need for a professional looking e-commerce website, the client wanted to develop such a website for his business which can help him grow his business on a large scale. So, he contacted us to develop this. This e-commerce website provides a smart shopping experience to its users as they can shop for their best dress, food, drinks etc. by just sitting at home.

  • Dot Net
  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • MySQL 5

Key Challenges

  • The major challenge was to integrate the payment gateway within the website.
  • Perfection in the sense of UI (user interface) with smooth animations throughout was the last challenge for us.
  • Using high-quality images, videos and banners was another major challenge.
  • The last big challenge was to deploy some unique, useful and critical features on this website which can increase its efficiency for the shoppers.

Proposition & Solution

  • The team developed a flexible e-commerce website for their shoppers in order to make their shopping experience more realistic.
  • Search functionality was made intuitive to enable it to return the accurate results.
  • We ensured quality coding and testing before the delivery.
  • We have also deployed many new and advanced features so that it came out as the best e-commerce portal as compared to others.

Our Development Process

  • The Discovery Phase- Our business analysts performed a lot of research and brainstorming before the app development process. At the end of the discovery phase the “Who, Why What, When and Where” of the project were thoroughly scrutinized.
  • The Execution Phase- After gathering all the nuts and bolts to proceed, it was time for project execution. Our designers, developers and quality analysts followed the agile development process for execution and worked side-by-side to achieve the project aims. Our project managers also did regular reviews to check the progress of the project went smoothly and according to the time.
  • Sprint Base Project Delivery-We took the client’s feedback on each stage of development and applied the feedback in the project. It helped us to meet the client’s expectations in the best possible manner.
  • The Deployment Phase- Now, the final app was ready to be unleashed on the world after a rigorous development & testing period. We deployed the app in the app store.

Salient Features

  • Mobile Enabled Shopping Site
  • More secure
  • Powerful search
  • Deals and Freebies
  • Gift Certificates and Wishlists

Results & Benefits

The final product is a high performing, feature packed, an easy-to-use shopping site that allows its users to shop online from anywhere while any time. It is not only appreciated by the client but also highly acknowledged by its users.

Work speaks louder than words

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Courier Delivery Network

Courier delivery network is developed in order to provide the best shipping providers. This platform also provides bidding facility to its users.


It is the first true App in Milan where you find the best that the city offers you: restaurants, shops, bars, nightlife, wellness, art and design.


Here user can plan and book their adventures trips.


SaleZapp offers a meticulously designed experience to make your life more efficient and make smart choices about where you spend your money. It's like having a shopping assistant in your pocket!

Shopping & Home Delivery Portal

In today’s busy world, it’s always a time consuming task to go to different stores and shop desired products. One of our client wanted to provide its customers a service to buy all their desired goods from different shops and deliver them at their doorsteps.