Customer journey mapping tools

Customer journey mapping is an essential tool in any marketing team’s arsenal. It helps you understand your customers’ needs and pain points and identify opportunities to improve their experience.

You can use customer journey mapping to determine what affects your different sets of users, who to approach for solutions, and how to make the most of your outreach efforts. 

But with so many customer journey mapping tools available, choosing which works best for your business can be challenging. Let’s look at some of the top customer journey mapping tools.

A Brief Introduction To Customer Journey Mapping Tools

The customer mapping journey is a process that helps businesses understand their customers better. By mapping out the customer journey, companies can identify potential areas of improvement and take steps to optimize the customer experience.

Some of the most notable benefits of conducting a customer mapping journey include:

  • Improved understanding of customer needs and wants
  • Identification of potential areas of improvement in the customer experience
  • Optimization of the customer journey for improved customer satisfaction
  • Increased sales and revenue
  • Improved customer retention rates
  • Better targeting of marketing efforts
  • Reduced costs associated with customer support
  • Enhanced ability to resolve customer issues efficiently
  • Greater insight into how customers interact with your brand

If you want to understand your customers and take steps to improve their experience with your brand, conducting a customer mapping journey is a great place to start.

Types Of Customer Mapping 

How Customers interact with your website depends on the part of their journey. Because the journey map consists of everything from the awareness stage to choosing your product or service, the data you rely on to guide your map will vary at each stage.

The following are the three types of customer mapping journey tools that offer you valuable data:

  • Journey mapping and visualization tools
  • Customer Experience Software and VoC Software
  • Traditional website and behavior analytics tools

Let’s explore these tools in detail further :

Journey Mapping & Visualization Tools

If you require tools to help visualize your customers’ journey, journey mapping and visualization tools are your best bet. These tools feature flow charts, diagrams, and other technically sophisticated charts to offer quality data.

Also, various journey mapping and visualization tools are available on the market. However, not all of these tools are useful. To ensure you choose the right tool for your needs, it is essential to understand each tool’s different features and capabilities.

Also Read: 9 Free Business Tools for Startups and Entrepreneurs for Growth

1. Miro

Miro is an excellent resource for whiteboarding and mapping out a process. Rather than a linear timeline, this tool allows you to use an outline to focus on components of your workflow. 

Additionally, if you want other people involved in developing your plan, they can quickly jump in and add their ideas and thoughts. Miro is instrumental when working with non-technical personnel who need some help visualizing where everything is going and how it’s all connected.

Customer journey mapping tools Miro screenshot 

If you have a lot of different ideas but aren’t sure how they all fit together, use Miro to write them down in an outline format and then rearrange them until you find a way that makes sense. 

You can also add images and links to other resources if you want to include them in your map.

Miro offers four different packages – free, team ($8 per member/month), business ($16 per user/month), & enterprise (custom pricing).

2. UXPressia

UXPressia is a customer journey maps tool for design-conscious professionals. It’s more than just a whiteboard and helps create attractive CJMs. Its intuitive and beautiful maps accentuate customer touchpoints to view and customize the maps for your brand.

Use UXPressia when you require a clean design & a tool that enables multiple stakeholders across different departments to contribute data. It’s useful when you or your team need real-time collaboration capabilities. 


You can also use UXPressia to create a customer journey map template for getting started.

UXPressia offers four different plans – free, starter ($16 per member/month), pro ($36 per user/month), & enterprise (custom pricing).

3. Trello

Trello is an excellent visual collaboration tool. From setting up boards for your project and task lists for individual stakeholders to attaching files and photos, you can use Trello as a single source from idea generation through execution.


The tool ensures that everyone works from a standard set of parameters or has an easy way to ask questions and clarify tasks. You can easily add new members, change roles, or even remove people without disrupting ongoing work. Trello integrates with dozens of other tools like Google Drive, Slack, and Dropbox.

Trello has both free and paid packages. You can choose from free, standard ($5 per user/month), professional ($10 per user/month) & enterprise ($17.50 per user/month).

4. Smaply

This visual tool enables you to map out complex customer journeys, interests and concerns. Using Smaply, you can create a journey map from a few simple questions designed around various parameters. 


You can choose from topics ranging from sales funnels and marketing campaigns to complex problems for any business area. The tool helps you understand how different people in an organization can collaborate on your customer experience map at all levels of granularity – from overall strategy down to individual projects. 

With Smaply’s visual tools, you can learn where you need more information or additional research to complete their maps effectively.

Smaply offers four different plans – free, starter ($25 per member/month), pro ($35 per user/month), & enterprise (custom pricing).

5. Gliffy

Gliffy helps you design, share, and collaborate on flowcharts and diagrams online using web & mobile. 

Using this online solution, you can create diagrams and share them across teams, adding structure and collaboration during ideation and workflow processes. From website maps and customer journeys to in-depth product analysis, Gliffy helps you present your ideas clearly and visually appealingly.  


You can also collaborate with others by commenting directly on shapes and linking notes together. The tool is majorly used for brainstorming, business process mapping, & user experience design.  It also has an integrated image library that lets you add images from your computer or from other websites. 

You can use Gliffy to export your work as PNG files or PDFs for further editing or presentation purposes.

Gliffy offers two professional and one enterprise packages: professional (1 to 9 users – $8 per user/month & 10 to 50 users – $6 per user/month) and enterprise (custom pricing).

Customer Experience And VoC Software

Customer experience & voice of the customer software, also called 360 VoC, offer you an in-depth look into your users’ journeys. 

These tools primarily focus on bringing customer feedback into the organization at every Moment of Truth (MoT) during their journey. A VoC tool brings you quantitative and qualitative data from various channels and customer touchpoints.

VoC tools tell customers’ feelings and thoughts about your product or service. Access to genuine feedback helps you understand how they perceive you at every journey stage. Using the available data, you can work toward improving their experience. 

The following are our favorite customer experience and VoC tools:

6. InMoment

InMoment is one of the most efficient AI-powered tools and offers more profound and more meaningful feedback from customers. Its bot encourages your customers to share detailed experiences. If they like your service, the bot enquires about the particular service they like. 


InMoment is a customer journey mapping tool that analyzes your customers’ in-store purchases, online behavior, and social media activity.  It also tracks your brand advocates and detractors so you can identify how to improve your digital strategy.

InMoment does not have a free version. Neither does it offer free trials. 

7. Clarabridge

Because AI powers it, you can expect more actionable and relevant analytics for your business. The tool can automatically recommend and schedule customer feedback methods that give you more efficient results.  

Clarabridge - customer journey mapping tools

Clarabridge has an intuitive UI that allows easy access to analytics and other data points. If a client is waiting on something from you or has provided feedback, Clarabridge lets you view his journey at a glance.  

Since this tool is designed to analyze the voice of customer data, you can use Clarabridge as part of a more prominent CRM solution like Salesforce or Zendesk. 

Pricing details of Clarabridge are not available.

8. Asana

Asana is another journey mapping tool that helps your team stay in sync and on track. It’s a cloud-based project management application that allows you to manage all your tasks, conversations, and documents from one place. 

It is used for many business processes, including sales, marketing, and customer support. The tool also helps you organize team projects with task collaboration features like task lists, checklists, and reminders. 


You can create detailed maps by breaking each step into smaller pieces and assigning tasks to different team members. Team members then make edits and additions as they work through their tasks.

Asana enables you to manage and supervise your team’s and organization’s projects with three different packages; free, premium ($10.99 per user/month), and business ($24.99 per user/month).

Traditional Website And Behavior Analytics Tools

These tools offer insights into your customers’ personal information and behavior. Using website analytics tools fetches you quantitative data, such as bounce rate, goal conversion rates, new and returning users, and other traffic and demographic metrics.

You can find out where and how your users spend time on individual pages, what pages they visit, and what buttons they press and learn where they exit from the funnel.

While traditional analytics tools track the customer’s journey to your website, behavior analytics tools offer you a peek into where your visitors’ attention goes after they arrive on your webpage.

Both quantitative and qualitative analytics tools work together to help you determine usability issues in your customer journey.

Here are some of the most popular analytics tools used by business owners and marketing and UX professionals:

9. Hotjar

Hotjar uses analytics and feedback tools, such as heatmaps, session recordings, surveys, and a visual feedback widget to provide you with insights into customer behavior. 

Heatmaps and session recordings help you understand how your customers behave on your website. 

Hotjar - customer journey mapping tools

Feedback and Surveys tell why your users like or dislike your website or service. 

Using this tool, you can easily place a survey on any web page, ask customers to share their experiences, and use the data for self-improvement.

Hotjar is primarily used when you want to learn your customers’ motivations.

Hotjar provides you with four different plans – basic, plus ($31/month), business ($79/ month), & scale (custom pricing).

10. Heap

Heap is a no-code product analytics tool that gives you data on how your customers use your product by tracking different stages of their journey. 

This tool helps you find journey pain points in your website or product and presents you with data to make decisions for increasing retention and reducing bounce rate. Heap also enables you to determine the customer segments your customers use to reach you.


Heap has four packages: starter ($99/month), growth ($499/moth), custom (custom pricing), & agency (custom pricing).

11. Google Analytics

Whether you’re an e-commerce startup trying to figure out where your visitors are dropping off on their purchase journey or a B2B company looking at how your leads progress through your sales funnel – Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tools available. 

Google Analytics - customer journey mapping tools

According to a survey, about 80% of users leave a website within 60 seconds if they don’t find what they need immediately. A correctly set up Google Analytics gives an instant overview of what’s working and what isn’t with your website design. Using analytics, you can increase your lead counts and conversions. 

You can track key metrics of your website with both the free and paid versions of Google Analytics. The paid version starts from $12,500 per month.

How Do You Choose The Right Customer Journey Mapping Tool For Your Business?

Identify which approach you want to take to map your customers’ journey. Are you looking for simple journey mapping, visualization, or CEM tools that offer access to various channels and touchpoints?

It’s imperative to start one or more customer journey mapping tools to keep your customers happy and win their loyalty.

And more than picking the right tool, it’s about using it right.

You can even contact a Machine Learning development company to develop a custom journey mapping tool,

We hope you find this blog post informative and helpful. Let us know in the comment box if you want us to cover any other top. Thanks for reading!  

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Frequently Asked Questions About Customer Journey Mapping Tools

1. What are the benefits of using a customer journey map?

There are many benefits to using customer journey maps, including:

  • improved customer satisfaction and retention rates
  • identification of pain points and areas for improvement
  • increased sales and conversions
  • improved customer loyalty and advocacy.

2. How do I create a customer journey map?

Many journey mapping and visualization tools are available on the market. However, not all of these tools are created equal. To ensure that you choose the right tool for your needs, it is essential to understand each tool’s different features and capabilities.

3. What are some common features of customer journey mapping tools?

Some standard features of customer journey mapping tools include:

  • The ability to create customized maps
  • A wide range of templates and examples
  • The ability to share and collaborate on maps
  • Real-time editing and commenting.

4. How much do customer journey mapping tools cost?

The cost of customer journey mapping tools can vary depending on your required features and capabilities. However, there are many free and low-cost options available on the market.


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