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The Contactless delivery option is a boon to restaurants and eCommerce portals as it has boosted business growth during the pandemic. So, if your online order business lacks this innovative feature, you are bound to lose potent clients and figures.

The impact of the pandemic has led to massive changes in the behavior of consumers. Combined with intermittent lockdowns in several countries, people are looking for innovative solutions for daily activities to ensure zero transmission of the Novel CoronaVirus.

Contactless delivery option is one such innovative solution but its mere presence is not sufficient for your digital platform. As for now, you need to have it and also highlight it over your app or website, along with the necessary safety precautions taken by your firm.

Doing so will boost the confidence of buyers browsing over your app or website. Hence, whether you already have an app for business or looking forward to getting one, the contactless delivery option is a critical feature that cannot be compromised.

This blog will discuss the key features and the cost of a contactless delivery app but before that, let’s discuss some important factors related to it.

What exactly defines Contactless Delivery Option?


Contactless Delivery Option


The contactless delivery option means the availability of products or services purchased online or offline with a minimal human touch. It gets done by encouraging digital payments using a barcode scanner, e-wallets, etc. 

Thus, a minimum level of direct human touch occurs between your clients and employees. 



Benefits of Contactless Delivery App

The contactless delivery option is profitable for two prominent organizations, namely eCommerce portals, and restaurants. Apart from them, any other organization that deals with product deliveries can rely on the Contactless delivery app.

Here are the top 5 benefits of using the contactless delivery option:

  • Boosts Sales: The U.S and U.K recorded a 65% increase in retail deliveries from March 2020 to April 2020. A contactless delivery option reduces the fear of virus transmission among consumers, which automatically boosts the organization’s sales.

  • Jubilant Brand Building: Using a contactless delivery option, you can build your brand value. The feature can be effectively used to highlight your business’s caring nature, thus creating a jubilant brand image.

  • Easy management of Sales: The exchange of products and services becomes more convenient as the payment gets done online. Thus, successfully saying goodbye to the conventional method of dealing with cash requiring more time and manual calculations. 

  • Lesser Staff:  If you have a restaurant business or sales, customers can conveniently opt for a takeaway, online order, etc. It means zero employees are required to take orders from the clients. So, it saves the cost incurred in firm management.
  • Convenient Management of Safety Precautions: A smooth functioning app with a contactless delivery option helps in easily following the safety precautions. As the client can stay updated about their orders and deliveries the chances of conflict also reduces to a greater extent

That was all about the important aspects of contactless delivery. Let us now learn about the essential features of it.

Brilliant features of Contactless Delivery App

Any website or app’s basic features depend upon the business model, whether B2B or B2C and the target audience. However, along with its basic features, the app should offer your clients the following features to get classified as a contactless delivery app.


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Front-End Features:


Brilliant features of Contactless Delivery App


  • QR Code Scanner: If you are running a restaurant, the QR code scanner can get used to placing an order without having to touch the menu card or connecting with a human figure. It can also get used as a quick alternative for receiving payments from the clients.

  • Online Order: The app must have a convenient option of placing an online order from the comfort of anywhere.

  • E-wallets and Cards: A significant section of contactless delivery revolves around payment procedures. Thus, the inclusions of multiple e-wallets and cards are vital for the successful implementation of the app.

  • Safety Precautions: The significant steps being taken by your firm for preventing the transmission of the virus must be available in this section, along with simple suggestions to the clients. It will ensure greater transparency and confidence among the clients.

  • Order tracking: The clients must have clear access for tracking the orders placed so that the chances of conflict are near to zero between your firm and its clients.


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Backend Features:

  • Delivery Management: Here, you can add or remove riders responsible for the delivery of the products. It is a crucial feature for easy and smooth delivery of products, primarily if you do not rely on third-party services to deliver your products.

  • Clients Data: You will be able to control your customer’s personal data and connect with them for brand promotion in the form of exclusive offers and sales.
  • Dashboard: You can create multiple reports here to observe the performance of the store for various categories.

  • Control Panel: There can be several reasons for you cannot provide contactless delivery or simple delivery service at a concerned hour. From the control panel, you can switch on and off the delivery option and the delivery region up to which you can provide the service.

The front end and the back end of your app can have many more features after a free consultation with our skilled team of developers at PixelCrayons. 

Let us now focus on the costing of the contactless delivery app.

Cost of Contactless Delivery App

The app’s ultimate cost will get primarily influenced by the number of features you want. A contactless delivery app can lie anywhere between a simple to medium level of complexities costing anywhere between 25,000 USD to 50,000 USD.


The following factors influence the actual cost:

App’s Nature: Multiple features required for the app classifies it into simple, medium, or complex. The higher the level, the greater the cost of the app goes. Primarily because a simple app is convenient to develop and requires a lesser no of dedicated working hours.

In contrast, a complex app requires experienced developers with a more significant number of dedicated working hours. Although the cost to hire app developers remains the same the increase in the number of working hours increases the development cost.

Target Platform: iOS and Android together own higher than 99% of OS Market share. You may go for cross-platform or native app development depending upon the app’s target audience.

A fun fact is that cross-platform development will let you reach more consumers and cost much lesser than native development on two OS. Flutter, Xamarin, etc. are some of the renowned cross-platform development frameworks.

Total Working Hours: The total number of dedicated working hours required to develop your app influences the app’s cost. The usual charges of the development team vary upon the role and responsibilities in the app development process.

  • The Project leader charges between 25 to 30 USD per hour.
  • The dedicated Developers charge around 30 to 50 USD per hour.
  • The team of UI/UX designers costs anywhere between 20 to 25 USD per hour.
  • The team of Quality Assurance charges a sum of 15 to 25 USD per hour.
  • The maintenance team has a rate of 20 to 30 USD per hour


Final Words

Showcasing the contactless delivery option over your app or site is a must for your business organization. If you already have an app but lack the prominent feature of contactless delivery, you can get it done by a team of dedicated developers at PixelCrayons– a leading mobile app development company in India.

You can also go for a new contactless delivery app for your firm, depending upon your business requirements.


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