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WordPress is a highly preferred and well known CMS solution. It is a user friendly software with the help of which you can manage a website in a convenient, flexible and easy manner. This is why WordPress development is quite sought after by the majority of businesses. One of the best things about WordPress is that it has a large number of interesting plug-ins to offer. With time, WordPress developers have improved the features of WordPress. You can search for plug-ins as per your requirement. Here is a list of 10 worthy jQuery plug-ins for WordPress.

WP Selected Test Sharer

With this plug-in, you can share or search selected text of the site. It also lets users to tweet, email or digg the selected text. An important feature of this plug-in is that it increases the site usage and sharing.

Dropdown Menu Widget

This is a great plug-in. Using this, you can add a beautiful, CSS only drop down menu. It makes it possible for you to list pages and categories of your blog using the Dropdown Menu Widget. Moreover, using this, you can also easily turn your WordPress navigation menu into a beautiful drop down menu. You can select either a vertical or a horizontal layout.

Pop Your Notes

This is yet another useful plug-in. This plug-in shows a model window for which it uses jQuery simplemodal plug-in. The necessary JavaScript and style sheet already get inserted while this is activated. It lets you set the content, styles, conditional branches from the management interface added to the sub menu of Settings.

Promotion Slider

This plug-in is a jQuery slider using which you can easily insert a slide show. You can also implement multiple rotating ad zones on a web page. This plug-in is highly customizable and gives you a complete control over what shows on the slider, and on your promotion pages, and how it works.

Search Auto Complete

Using this plug-in you can implement the jQuery UI Autocomplete functionality on your WordPress installation.jQuery ThemeRoller integration.Generic field selection. Any valid jQuery selector can be used to pick the search field, minimum character count, search filed etc directly to their respective items.

Contact Dialog

With the help of this plug-in, you can display a form when users click on links inside of elements with a class you specify. This plug-in makes use of a custom version of jQuery UI on the front end. However, it does not address situations in case JavaScript is turned off. By using this plug-in, you get a simple and attractive contact form inside modal dialog box.

Floating Menu

This is another interesting plug-in that creates a widget which adds a floating and drop down menu from any standard WordPress custom menu. It can also manage multiple floating menus in each page. Moreover, the location of each tab can be easily set from the widget control panel. You can also activate the menu by either ‘hover’ or ‘clicks’.

‘Easy Speak’ Widget Contact Form

This is a plug-in that utilizes a WordPress widget and jquery to create a widgetized contact form. The visitors can use this form to send an email to the site owner without refreshing or navigating from the page. This plug-in has been updated to ensure that the email address is formatted correctly to reject the spam.

Tweet Blender

This plug-in is even better than Twitter’s own widgets. This plug-in is tag aware and supports multiple authors, lists, and keywords. With this plug-in, you can see tweets from either one particular user or a list of users. Along with this, it also shows tweets for a topic which you can define via Twitter hashtag or keyword. There is even more to it. It also shows tweets for multiple lists, multiple authors multiple keywords, and multiple hashtags.

jQuery Hovering Footnotes

Using this plug-in, you can add footnotes with qualifiers. What it does is- dispalys them on hover-over. Therefore, you can easily add footnotes to a post by wrapping them in qualifiers, and they will dynamically display in a jQuery hover pop-up when the user mouses-over the footnote link.

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