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On 29th Oct, 2012, WordPress announced another easier, quicker way to enhance the functionalities of your WordPress blog by enabling the capability to embed Instagram photos directly into a blog post. This new feature was made available for the users from the very same day of its announcement. And yes, even free blogs can enjoy it!

Now there is an easy way for users to add their Instagram images to their WordPress blog posts. Let’s have a look how it works:

1. Open the image in the Web browser.

2. Copy URL of the image from the address bar of the browser.

3. Paste the URL in your blog post.

4. Click publish, and you are done. This is that simple.

The image will display on your WordPress blog post and the URL of the image will link to the instagram page by its own. By-default URL will embed the largest possible size of the photo that fits into the content area of your WordPress blog post but you can change the size its size with a bit of code, and readers can click on the photo to view it in its full-size version.

However, this amazing feature is only for blogs on, not So let’s keep an eye on when WordPress will announce this feature for Till then let’s enjoy this new feature with

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