mobile app development

Mobile app development has attained an incredible height in the last few years. It will continue to achieve more in the following years. Many startup owners have ideas to lead their business at the forefront, but they lack in executing them due to guidance.

If you are also one of them and are hesitant to discuss. In that case, mobile app development companies in India help you to execute the idea. You will get full support as you can share your business objectives in detail with them.

Do you know? According to a report, the Mobile app economy will reach up to $6.3 trillion by the end of 2021.

While communicating the idea, you need to focus on critical perspectives to create a better mobile application. In the blog, I have penned down all vital perspectives. By going through these, you will have a clear vision of how to accelerate the app discussion with mobile applications development companies in India. .

Table of Contents

  • Mention the Requirements and Expectations Clearly
  • Set up the Project Delivery Deadline
  • Mobile App Testing at Development Stages
  • Development Discussions at Regular Interval
  • Brainstorm your App Idea
  • Define Your Minimum Viable Product
  • Focus on UX/UI Design
  • Mobile App Backend Development
  • Mobile App Frontend Development
  • Testing of the Developed Application
  • App Deployment and Maintenance
  • Summing Up!

Let’s focus on the discussion perspectives with Mobile app development companies.

1. Mention the Requirements and Expectations Clearly

It is the first thing to keep in mind while communicating with mobile app development companies. You must mention your intention to develop the app. Explain to them the requirements of your business so that the Indian app developers can focus on essential aspects.

If you tell them your app requirements, it will make it easier for them to develop the app accordingly. Why is it so? Because if you don’t tell app programmers in India the requirements in the initial phase of discussion, it may increase the overall time to develop the application.

Now you must be thinking about what could be those requirements that you can convey to app developers in India. Well, I will explain the requirements you can consider while communicating with mobile app development companies in India. These are the following: let’s have a look.

  1. Do you want to get the app developed for employees or consumers?
  2. How many layers of securities do you want to include in your application?
  3. On how many platforms you will want to run the application, i.e., Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, BlackBerry, etc.

According to a report, Android and iOS are the two major platforms sharing 99.4% market share.

So, it’s crystal clear that you should likely focus on two platforms, Android and iOS, to get the application developed. You can hire dedicated android developers to build high-performing android apps.

2. Set up the Project Delivery Deadline

app development services

It’s imperative to provide the projected deadline to app development companies in India so that you don’t have to face the delay in launching the app in the market.

You need to discuss with the firm the stipulated time to develop the application. Talk to them about each aspect of the mobile development application process and decide to provide them a deadline for the app.

So, make sure before giving a green signal to develop the app, you provide a deadline to the mobile application development company in India.

3. Mobile App Testing at Development Stages

While developing the mobile application, you need to make sure that android app developers in India must do mobile app testing at all phases if you are creating an application on Android platforms. You can also hire best android developers from the best mobile application development company in India to build scalable and efficient android applications.

While developing the app for iOS platforms, make sure the iOS app developers in India perform mobile app testing at all phases. 

Now you may ask why we need testing at all the phases as we can do testing at the final stage of the development. 

Well, the reason is if the app programmers in India perform testing at regular intervals, they can fix bugs and resolve other issues. On the other hand, if they do testing at the final stage, it will stir and increase its launching time.

You may also decrease the time of developing the application by automating the testing process, which will also save the efforts of developers.

Moreover, you can ask an android app development company in India to lessen the release cycles of the app so that you can hand over the app features and quickly advise the android developer in India to add or remove features.

4. Development Discussions at Regular Interval

Staying updated with the project’s whereabouts also enables the app owners to demonstrate some flexibility whenever required, to speed up the app development process.

It is seen that mobile apps development companies start developing the application at a decent speed. Still, as time passes, the pace gets slower that affects the launching date of the application.

What can you do here in such conditions? It will help if you discuss the app development progress at regular intervals. By interacting with them regularly will enable developers to keep optimum development speed.

Moreover, keeping yourself updated with the ongoing app development process lets developers work with high flexibility. Hence, the speed of the application increases drastically.

5. Brainstorm your App Idea

hire app developers in india

It’s essential to brainstorm the app idea before moving ahead with the application’s development. As much as you focus on polishing the idea and exploring uniqueness, it will yield better results.

So, what do you need to do to brainstorm the app idea? Well, there are several things to keep in mind while focusing on the evolution of the app idea. First, You should note down all the crucial features you want to give your customers.

Below, I have prepared some questions that you can consider while working on the app idea.

  • Who is your target audience?
  • What business model are your consumers following?
  • How will your consumers like to use the application?
  • Are there any better alternatives already available in the market?
  • What will your app do that other app won’t?
  • What is your estimated budget?
  • What language, frameworks, and technologies will app developers use?

Keeping in mind these questions, you can discuss with mobile application development services providers to let you know how better they can build the application.

While sharing these vital features with the mobile app design and development company, you might not know that the team may develop innovative ideas. Thus, the team may assist you in providing unique features to the application.

6. Define Your Minimum Viable Product

If you decide to develop the application, always keep in mind the minimum viable product(MVP). A minimum viable product is a version of a product with sufficient features that a user can experience and give feedback to help you decide to move with the product development. 

Now you must be wondering why you need MVP when you can have a fully developed product. Well, below are the reasons you can consider for having MVP.

  • test the product market using minimum resources
  • introduce the product in front of early customers fast
  • Test app developer’s ability to create and scale product
  • Get investors to see the vision behind your app

7. Focus on UX/UI Design

mobile app UI and UX designing

Each app needs to have an engaging user interface(UI) so that users love using the application else they will avoid downloading and using it. User experience is directly proportional to the user interface, which means if UI looks excellent, UX will automatically improve.

Thus, it would help if you discuss the UI and UX design of the application. UI is simply the user interface that the user uses on the app screen, while the user experience is the feel the user is getting while using the application. 

Hence, you may have understood now it’s a much essential part of the application.

In mobile application development, there are two sides, i.e., the back-end side and the front-end side. The Back-end side plays a significant role as it stores, secures, and processes the data. On the other hand, the front-end side is what the user sees and feels.

8. Mobile App Backend Development

The mobile app back-end development is an essential part of the app development process as it carries out all the activities made by users. It understands the query and accordingly sends signals to the front-end side. In such a way, the user interacts with the application.

The primary purpose of developing the back-end is to send signals to the front-end side of the user’s application. That is to say, creating the back-end for mobile means sending the client-side server the information. Thus, you can hire android app developers to build an android app back-end with high functionalities features.

Several things like logins, signups, messaging, etc., take place in the back-end development process. The Back-end part focuses on storing the information so that it can function logically with the front-end side.

9. Mobile App Frontend Development

The front-end development requires a mixed bag of technologies ranging from programming languages to APIs. Several apps can even work with local databases provided by the platform. As far as web programming languages are concerned for the back-end development, the best iphone app developers can use them to build the back-end of the mobile applications.

If you create an app for native platforms, you can use a specific language offered on its own. For instance, top iphone app developers can use Objective-C, Swift, Flutter, or React Native to develop robust iOS apps.

On the other hand, top android developers can use Java, Kotlin, Flutter, or React Native to build dynamic android applications.

Each technology offers unique features to build applications. So, make sure you hire the best iPhone app developers in India to leverage the most use of technology to create an iOS app. 

mobile app development services

10. Testing of the Developed Application

Testing is a common and imperative phenomenon to get better results in any developed application, i.e., web apps or mobile apps. Mobile application testing is not an exception; instead, it requires rigorous testing of the developed application to ensure multiple functionalities.

For instance, if you test the developed app before launching it into the market, you get to determine its stability, usability, and reliability.

If dealt with extensively, the testing can be classified into two categories. One is manual testing, and the second one is automated testing. Moreover, you don’t need to bother about any of these testing methods as both are perfect for giving accurate results at their place.

I have provided below testing methods and phases of the developed mobile application that you can discuss with mobile application development services company to avail maximum productivity of the application.

# Functional Testing

Functional testing is performed to check whether the app features are behaving properly or not. It is to perform as each user uses the application in a different way. Most of the functional testing include the following points:

  • Installation & initialization of the app on all the delivery channels
  • Business peculiarities and functionality testing
  • Testing fields, parameters, and customer feedback areas
  • Testing any possible interferences
  • Testing essential device resources
  • Testing possible updates for each delivery channel

# Performance Testing

It’s a significant part of the app testing as it will decide whether the app is performing according to the speculation or it is lacking somewhere. You may also check the consistency of application performance. Most of the performance testing includes the following things:

  • Testing of the volume to examine the performance under a high volume of data
  • Load testing to check the speed of the application
  • Stability testing to check whether the app behaves properly
  • Testing the app response time
  • Concurrency testing to observe whether the app’s performance changes if multiple users are logged in at a time
  • Testing the battery usage of the application so that battery drain or memory leak does not take place

# User Experience & Interface Testing

User Experience (UX)is the most significant part of the application as you need to check whether it will provide an engaging user experience or not. Because if it does not go well as per the user’s point of view, the customers will refrain from using the application. You can also contact any iphone application development company in India to get an efficient iphone application.

The user interface (UI) also needs to be checked to ensure the accessibility of the features. Most of the user experience testings and interfaces testing include the following points:

  • Testing the visuals and easy navigation of the app
  • checking the consistency in design, fonts, and icons of the app
  • Testing the color scheme, design, and overall look of the app

# Security Testing

It ensures the foolproof security of data, and if you don’t perform security testing, then even a minor mistake can lead to data leaks. You also have to make the app secure from hacker’s threats. Most of the security testing include the following things:

  • Threat check and testing for login credentials authenticity
  • Examining for any potential appearances that hackers could likely attack
  • Vulnerability check to find out loopholes if any in the app

11. App Deployment and Maintenance

After the app is developed and tested thoroughly, your next target is launching or deploying the application. Here, you need to discuss the defects in the app while testing the app. Once you are confident with your development partner, you may give a green signal for launching the application. 

Once the individual installs the application, you have to make sure that he does not uninstall it. For that, you have to maintain the overall application from user experience to easy updation of the application on multiple platforms.

Summing Up!

Since each business person desires to have an optimal mobile application, the tips mentioned above and criteria for discussing with mobile app development companies in India will help you develop a robust mobile application.

You can also leave indelible prints over the market through efficient mobile apps. There are multiple examples before you in which the apps have benefited a lot of the companies.

Whether it is a messaging app, food delivery app, taxi booking app, healthcare app, shopping app, etc., the list is so long that one can not count on finger or recall. So don’t overthink and get in touch with any of the android app development companies which will help you deliver dynamic applications.

mobile app development

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What should you ask app developers?

There are some actual questions that you should ask while hiring app developers. You can ask basic questions related to their knowledge, test the knowledge of iOS and Android, enquire about learning experience with new technology, and finally ask them about the apps they have built earlier.


Q: How feasible is your mobile app idea?

You can discuss the feasibility of the app with the app development companies. It will explain everything related to the app development process with which you can configure whether the idea is feasible.


Q: How much time does it take to develop the mobile application?

The mobile app development time depends on the complexity of the application, the availability of proficient developers, and some other facts. Generally, a mobile application takes from 6 to 7 months to develop completely.


Q1: How do I hire a mobile app development company?

Many companies can create mobile apps, but choosing the right one for your project is essential. You should look at the quality of their work and make sure they understand your business and know what they’re doing. Below are some points you need to check before you pick one.

Check the Portfolio:

The company should have a lot of past work to show you, as well as a portfolio. Thus, it will help you see the level of expertise they have. You should check what technologies a company uses. 

You don’t want to work with people who have no idea about the industry your business operates in. Look for companies that have experience in your industry and have worked on projects similar to yours before. 

Firm Experience:

Good companies will have a long list of past work they’ve done, and you should be able to see the level of expertise they have. They should also have contact information, including email addresses, on their profile page.

Client Reviews:

If you find a company that seems perfect, check what other clients think of them.  You can do this by going through their client testimonials. Did they help the clients to achieve what they wanted? If so, it’s probably a good choice.


Q 2: What are the 5 phases of the mobile app development process?

If you want to build a mobile app, you must know the phases of the mobile app development process. I have explained them below for your better understanding, have a look.

  • Strategy Planning

In the early stages of the process, you will need to develop a strategy. Your first step is to set goals and figure out what success looks like for your app. 

Thus, it involves deciding on a business model, determining how much you should charge for an app download or in-app purchase, or mapping out long-term goals for your company.

  • Analyzing and Planning the App Functionalities:

The next step is to plan the functionality of your app. And it includes deciding what features you want to have, making a list of crucial tasks, ordering them by priority, and adding any other considerations that may be important to you.

In addition, you should identify which device(s) will be compatible with your app and which operating system versions they need.

  • Designing the application:

Designing the interface of the app is going to require a lot of creativity and problem-solving skills. 

The design will also go a long way towards setting expectations about how an app works and color schemes, fonts, and other visual elements that give users clues about which type of experience they can expect to have on your app.

  • Development and iteration:

The next stage is to build your app, which includes coding, testing, and debugging your app before it is ready for release.

  • Review and deployment:

The final step of the process is review and deployment. And it includes everything from quality assurance, marketing your app, and preparing for an app launch. 

You will need to set up a website with download links, promote the release on social media, get customer feedback through social media channels, help customers find solutions to any bugs uncovered in the design process.


Q 3: What programming language is used for mobile app development?

Below are some of the most popular languages for mobile app development that you can use to develop a robust mobile app.

  • Java:

Java is the premier programming language used to create robust mobile apps. Over 1 billion devices use it, and there are over 9 million Java developers worldwide.

  • JavaScript: 

It is a prototype-based programming language developed in the 1990s and has remained popular due to its simplicity and versatility. JavaScript is often combined with other languages such as HTML and Python.

  • Swift:

Swift is Apple’s programming language, first released in 2014. One can use it to develop software for iOS and macOS. Moreover, Swift is easy to use, secure and interactive.

  • Kotlin: 

Kotlin is a programming language that one can use to develop applications for Android. It is an object-oriented language with a focus on interoperability. Kotlin also has a function-type system and relies on classes and methods instead of objects. 


Q 4: Which mobile framework is the best?

Below is the list of top mobile app development frameworks in 2021 that can help you develop mobile apps more efficiently and conveniently. Have a look:

  • Swiftic
  • Native Scripts
  • React Native
  • Xamarin
  • Ionic
  • Adobe PhoneGap
  • Flutter
  • JQuery Mobile


Q 5: How much does it take to develop a mobile app?

An essential app can be developed for as little as $500, while more complex apps may require $100,000. However, pricing is based on various factors including, type and how many features you want in your app.

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