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As the popular human saying goes, change is the only constant in life. The times are changing now, and today one can easily observe ecommerce website development taking over the role of sales people to do their task. The users today are very much aware of the widespread increase in the field of science and technology and are very much comfortable in using the same. Besides the phenomenal success stories of ecommerce portals like eBay,, etc. have helped the consumers lay their trust in the medium that internet provides for simplified trade and commerce to take place.
ecommerce web development
Today, the popularity of ecommerce web development has lead the corporate houses to shift from employing sales people to do the entire marketing and selling of their products and services, and rather opt for ecommerce website development to do the same. An ecommerce website today stands at par with sales people and effectively performs all of their roles. A detailed comparison between the two is drawn further in the article.

The role of a salesman came into the picture during the time of industrial revolution when the products were produced in bulk quantities. The industrialists needed to sell their products, and thus they started hiring people to achieve the same. However, today what the world is witnessing is a rampant internet revolution and expansion. The Internet has gone on to become an integral part of the daily routine of people, and they often haunt the search engines to look for plausible solutions to their needs. Given such a scenario, an ecommerce website helps the corporate houses to tap the online market and foster easy and convenient trade and commerce.

The role of the salespeople is often termed as Personal Selling, in which he is required to identify the prospect and convince him to buy the product through different techniques like presentations, demonstrations and, etc. With ecommerce website development, you can achieve just that, in no time. The website is feature rich, completely describes the products, its features, critics ratings, users review etc and assists the potential buyer in buying the product or the service. Having an ecommerce website is like having millions of sales people all over the world that are actively involved in promoting your business. A professional ecommerce web development provides you with a website which is efficient, feature rich, easy to use, and cross browser and cross platform compatible. Cross browser compatibility allows the users to access your website regardless of which web browser they are using i.e. Mozilla, Chrome, Safari etc and cross platform compatibility released your website to different users using Macintosh, Windows, Linux etc. Thus, it gives your website a huge audience and greatly amplifies the business opportunity.

Selling is of course the prime objective of a salesman. By providing easy call to action buttons like Buy Now etc ecommerce website smoothens the entire buying and selling process. Besides a salesman will only interact with the customers, but through an ecommerce website, different suppliers and distributors can also get in touch with you online, and thus you may have better opportunities to increase revenues of your firm.

In addition to selling, the customer retention is another prime objective of a salesman. He should listen to customers, resolve their grievances and try to form a symbiotic, mutually beneficial relationship with them. An ecommerce website enables you to achieve that as well. Customers can provide you with their review and feedback in the comments’ section. There is an option of online chat, where in your customer care staff may guide them while being online. Further you may also start a blog or chat windows in your website promote a feeling of belongingness with your customers. Keeping a record of their birthdays and anniversaries, sending them congratulatory emails for the same, will help you retain and increase a loyal clientele.

Besides ecommerce website development is a lot more cost effective than hiring a number of salespeople. Thus opt for ecommerce website development and attain long term success in your business.

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6 thoughts on “Ecommerce Website Works Not Less Than a Salesman for Business

  1. This article provide all important milestone point which required in e commerce development.Nice post…

  2. Change is the only constant in life…I love that quote! Very interesting article. It’s sad to know that computer application technology can replace the work of a human being, although good to know that ecommerce website development is helping businesses find long term success. I suppose the money companies save through ecommerce development is enough to pay their employees more, which makes up for the salespeople losing their jobs to Internet technology. Great post!

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