
Mala3ebpro is stadium booking platform which allows its users to book their sports venue in their own area. They just need to register themselves on the website and can explore events as well as corresponding venues over there.

Technology Used:
  • Code Optimization
  • Code Security
  • CSS
  • Dot Net
  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • Memcached Redis
  • Page Load Time Optimization
  • Query/DB Optimization
  • SQL Injection

Project Type

Mala3ebpro provides the best sports venue booking platform for its users. It gives the complete information about all upcoming events and featured venues. The first thing to do is to register yourself on this platform and then explore all venues in your own area. You can discover events and can become part of challenges & tournaments around you. As a facility manager, you can list your venue here in order to promote your sports venue.

  • Code Optimization
  • Code Security
  • CSS
  • Dot Net
  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • Memcached Redis
  • Page Load Time Optimization
  • Query/DB Optimization
  • SQL Injection

Key Challenges

  • The main goal was to develop a web platform by using which users can easily book sports venue for their upcoming sports event.
  • The biggest challenge was to handle the large database consisting of details of a large number of sports venues across the globe.
  • The most key aspect of website design is the “user experience.” In this we need to consider such things as ease of navigation, how the information is organized, the content itself and how clear it is to understand.
  • At that time, this was a new thing for our developers but after applied some technical concepts, they developed the finest user-interface.

Proposition & Solution

  • Our team developed an innovative solution in order to help its users for booking stadium of their own choice and thus save their time as well as efforts.
  • We ensured quality coding and testing before the delivery.
  • We considered the design and development aspect in sync with each other.
  • Users can select the sports venue as per their choice in their own area. You can filter your searches by using the given options for it.

Our Development Process

  • The Discovery Phase- Our business analysts performed a lot of research and brainstorming before the app development process. At the end of the discovery phase the “Who, Why, What, When and Where” of the project were thoroughly scrutinized.
  • The Execution Phase- After gathering all the nuts and bolts to proceed, it was time for project execution. Our designers, developers and quality analysts followed agile development process for execution and worked side-by-side to achieve the project aims. Our project managers also did regular reviews to check the progress of the project went smoothly and according to the time.
  • Sprint Base Project Delivery-We took client’s feedback on each stage of development and applied the feedback in the project. It helped us to meet the client’s expectations in the best possible manner.
  • The Deployment Phase- Now, app was ready to be unleashed to the world after rigorous development & testing period. We deployed the app in the appstore.

Salient Features

  • Easy stadium booking of your own choice and you can filter your searches with various available options like city, sport and date & time.
  • Discover a number of sports events here.
  • This has made easy for its users to search for the best sports venue among the available options.
  • You don't need to visit individual venue for placing bookings. Hence, this will save both your time as well as money.

Results & Benefits

The final product we delivered met all the technical requirements of the client. This has been one of us excited projects we have worked on. Developing a platform by using which users can easily book the sports venue of their own choice is well appreciated by the client and they also appreciated its user-friendliness and performance.

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Mala3ebpro is stadium booking platform which allows its users to book their sports venue in their own area. They just need to register themselves on the website and can explore events as well as corresponding venues over there.


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