
Decided to go for custom software development but perplexed concerning the estimated cost, give a pause to your ongoing thoughts and leave all that on us. In this blog, we have put all significant factors impacting the development cost of customized software.

Do you know? According to Statista, expenditure on software development globally is projected to grow up to $517 billion in 2021, which is 10.8% higher than the previous year.

Custom software development is quite popular amongst enterprises and organizations as it gives multiple key benefits than off-the-shelf software.

Now you must be thinking about what could be a total estimated cost for custom software development. The answer is it’s not possible to calculate it at once as several facets decide the total development cost.

Below I have discussed the factors that play a significant role in determining the cost of custom software development.

Table of Contents

  1. Size of Software
  2. Complexity of software
  3. Types of Platform
  4. Design requirements
  5. Integration with other systems
  6. Migrations of Data
  7. Wrapping Up!
  8. Frequently Asked questions

Software Product Process    

1. Size of Software

Software size is a crucial part of deciding the development cost of a customized one as the number of pages influences the total cost. The more pages you want to get, you will have to increase your budget accordingly.

If you go for 10 to 25 screens, it will be a small application, and if you choose 25 to 40 screens, it will be a medium application. Moreover, if you go beyond 40 screens, it will be an extensive application.

The small application takes about 50 to 75 k, the medium one takes approx. 75 to 200k, and the extensive one takes more than 200k.

2. Complexity of Software

Complexity mainly refers to coding, testing, and essential features implemented in the software. If coding and testing are rigorous, they will take more time. Hence, it will lead to enhance the cost of the software.

Moreover, if there are fewer intricacies in developing the software, there will undoubtedly be less development cost.

Functionality and aesthetics are two components of the software that differ in deciding the development cost.

If you go for fewer aesthetics and more on the software’s functionality, you need less budget. On the other hand, if you maximize the aesthetics value in the custom software, it will cost you much.

3. Types of Platform 

Types of Platform 


Several platforms are where you can get the software developed like Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, Mac, etc. Android has the largest share in the market than the other platforms. As per Statista, 71.93% market is occupied by the Android operating system in 2021.

So if you choose great platforms like Android, you need to have efficient tools that facilitate better performance and scalability of the software.

Once you decide to get the software developed on the Android platform and want it on other platforms, you need to hire two different developer teams to build the software.

Two different software developer teams mean 2x expense. So to reduce the cost, you can hire only one team and get the software for any platforms with the help of cross platforms technique.


4. Design Requirements

Design Requirements

When you execute the idea to get the custom software for the enterprise, you involuntarily wish to have a good design of the application. If the software creation is unique and creative, more users will undoubtedly engage in the application.

You can also add animations, unique user interfaces to create ultimate designs for your custom software. Moreover, a better user interface facilitates the way for users to navigate the application swiftly and efficiently. The more advanced design requires a higher cost than the moderate one.

You can also contact top software development company in India to get customized software.

5. Integration With Other Systems

There are several APIs that assist developers in integrating external apps. Moreover, Integrating software with other external applications requires compatibility. If it’s not compatible, It involves a lot of effort to develop the software, thus increasing the cost of the software.

For instance, if you want to integrate WhatsApp into the application, there are two ways to do it. The first one is to set up a docker container, and the second one is to use AWS( Amazon web solution) services. 

The first solution requires lots of development efforts as the developer needs to build containers with the help of a guide given by WhatsApp.

6. Migrations of Data

If you have data in any of your systems and want to migrate to your application, you don’t need to write it. You can typically script the data by dusting it off and reshaping it to fit well into the new application.

To lessen the risk of losing the data while migration, it’s advisable to create a database backup to avoid losing the data. Moreover, migrating data requires multiple rigorous processes from system to locations and validation to quality assurance. Thus it enhances the development efforts and cost to the software.

Wrapping Up!

Since there is no hard and fast formula to calculate the ultimate cost for custom software development, You might have guessed through the above-described points. You can consider them before opting for a custom software development process.

Custom software development is a lot better than off-the-shelf software. It is built mainly for the company keeping in mind its requirements that enable developers to deliver high-performance software.

Moreover, You can also hire software developers to get the dynamic application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much time does It take to create custom software?

It’s a pretty tricky question to answer as the custom software duration depends on several aspects. Sometimes it happens that a software development company gives you an estimated time to finish the development. But some following factors may increase up the time.

  • Testing of the software
  • Availability of software development tools
  • The requirements of multi platform support
  • Sudden loss of important member of custom software development team

Q: How is custom software development cost calculated?

There is no hard and fast formula to calculate the software development cost. Yet, some vital aspects are considered for calculating the amount, like project management, quality assurance, development, and UI/UX Design.


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