Hiring a WordPress Development Company

WordPress has become the ultimate tool for web development as, according to W3Techs, it is powering a massive 38% of the websites. Although started as a simple platform for blogging the powerful CMS technology caters to almost all types of websites, be it eCommerce, corporate websites, SaaS solutions, etc.

If you are thinking of web development chances are high that WordPress is your prime choice. Owing to its guilt-free benefits of open-source, simple website management, high scalability, etc., both big brands and simple startups are treasuring over it.

MTV News, Walt Disney, Snoop Doog, etc. are some of the big names relying upon the inexpensive services of WordPress. Creating a website is as simple as ABC, even for a novice when the chosen platform is WordPress.
However, when looking for high levels of customization or thinking of a professional website, one needs to hire a WordPress developer having years of skilled expertise. Luckily there are thousands of options out there, but finding the best WordPress development company can be a bit tricky.

To ensure you have connected with the best firm you need to cross-check on multiple aspects of it. This blog will address the following topics to guide you for hiring the best WordPress Development company or developer.

  • What defines a WordPress developer?
  • When it makes sense and when it does not for hiring a WordPress developer.
  • How to find that the chosen firm is a world-class option?
  • How much it should cost to hire a WordPress developer?

With no hither and thither, let’s begin with our first topic.

What defines a skilled WordPress Developer?

A WordPress developer has proficient knowledge in PHP, JS, HTML, CSS, etc. He/ she alone takes care of both the frontend development as well as the backend development of the website. Besides the knowledge of technology, the developer must possess quality command over business perspective to ensure unique and innovative content over the website.

WordPress comes with thousands of themes and plugins to suit diverse business needs. A quality WordPress developer knows about them besides knowing customizing themes to ensure intuitive designs in the web project.
Being well versed in the latest technology trends is equally important to leverage their benefits for any web development project. As they single-handedly complete the project, multiple skills like designing, bug-free coding, testing, etc., are essential aspects of a WordPress developer.

That was all about the technical qualities of a WordPress developer. Let us now focus on why you should and shouldn’t hire one for your project.

When it makes sense to hire a WordPress developer?

If you are thinking of WordPress, you must be well aware of the fact that beside being open source it also offers thousands of open-source extensions that let anyone develop a functional website with great ease and convenience.

Then why does anyone need to hire WordPress developer in India? Well, there are several reasons for which it becomes a better option to hire one rather than making the website by oneself.

Here are a few, have a look:

You are thinking of significant levels of customization:

When not interested in off the shelf themes or looking for exclusive features that let you control and use the website effectively, it is best to hire an experienced WordPress developer. An experienced developer will customize themes that resonate with the business model of the firm, whether B2B or B2C.

  • Responsible for complete development:

The developer working on the project is responsible for the smooth functioning of the website with zero technical glitches. The firm will take care of all the aspects of web development, be it envisioning, designing, coding, etc.

  • A reliable source for technical support:

Opting for a developer will help you deal with the lack of knowledge about website management. The concerned developer will not only teach you the necessary skills of control but will also be responsible for resolving any unprecedented bugs and coding issues on the website for a defined range of time. The time of support depends upon the firm and the kind of services you choose.

  • Quality work gets obtained in much less time:

A developer has years of experience in handling a diverse range of products. It enables him /her to use valuable themes and plugins for a particular project which is ideal for the website. Thus, it not only produces quality work but also saves the time of the investors.

  • Have command over multiple technical languages and tools:

For a multifunctional website that allows the users to perform several activities over it, knowledge of programming languages like PHP is a must mainly because WordPress itself is in it. Furthermore, knowing multiple other languages helps in bug-free advance development.

  • Develops SEO friendly Quality Content:

A website cannot rank well on the search engine when content readability is difficult and it has copied content from other websites. The developer offers exclusively unique web-content that is SEO friendly. SEO also involves meta tags, URLs, etc. that can is best-taken care of by an experienced professional.

Is available at one’s convenience: Among multiple benefits, it is also worth mentioning that the developer is convenient to hire at an affordable hourly rate directly from a firm or independent platform. One can also outsource the entire project to a world-class firm to save cost. In fact, according to Software Outsourcing Stats, 59% of the firms outsource IT for saving costs.

Well, it was all about why it’s an excellent option to hire a developer, but there is also a time when it’s best to do the project by oneself.

Hire wordpress developers

Here are a few reasons when it does not make sense to hire WordPress developer

  • When looking to develop a simple website:

Thousands of WordPress websites lying on the web got created by entrepreneurs with zero knowledge of coding. The drag and drop feature besides the availability of tons of open-source plugins and extensions makes it easier for anyone to develop a website despite having zero knowledge of coding. Thus, you need not hire experts when your idea of a website is elementary.

  • Started your enterprise with little investment:

If you have a limited budget but looking for a digital presence, you can indeed work with tutorials to develop the website on WordPress by yourself. Later on, as the business flourishes, you can opt for dedicated services from the experts.

Hopefully, you are now well aware of the pros and cons of hiring a WordPress developer. However, before you hire one from any source, you must be sure about the option.

Here’s how You can find the best WordPress development firm

1. Look for relevant experience of the firm and its developers

WordPress got introduced in the market in the year 2003. Any firm which has been in business for some time and claims to offer commendable services must have done some relatively successful projects in the technology.
You can confirm a firm experience by looking at the projects handled or case studies usually available at the website of the firm. Please go through them to understand how efficiently they have produced successful WordPress projects.

Alternatively, you can also ask the firm for the certifications of the developers and technicians that will be handling the project. As the human resource of any firm is fluctuating, it would be wise to know the experience of ultimate developers working on the project.

2. Check the firm ratings on reputable sites like Clutch and GoodFirms

outsourcing developers

Independent rating agencies like Clutch and GoodFirms offer a good insight into the firm’s overall rating according to previous clients. Such platforms ensure an in-depth check of the business enterprise based on multiple parameters like overall market presence, the number of quality of projects handled, quality of clients, etc.

Thus, they can get used to learning about the chosen firm’s rating, foundation year, offices across different nations, services offered, etc. Although this information is available at the website, checking from a reliable platform brings greater confidence.

3. Soft Skills of the team lead or developer

Whether you are outsourcing the entire project or hiring a developer on an hourly rate, the person in charge must have excellent communication skills. Soft skills are as essential as designing and coding skills of the project lead so that he /she takes excellent care of minute details you are looking for on the website.

Dealing with a person who can communicate the feasibilities of the expected features, deadlines, etc. makes it convenient to keep track of the project.

4. Discuss the strategy followed for development

A reputed firm offers and delivers a project within a fixed schedule to avoid confusion among its clients. The firm you are dealing with must provide you with a concrete strategy of development and proper dates for delivering of the project.

Any significant modifications suggested from your side may require some additional time, but it must get formally communicated via emails. It helps in proper planning of marketing time for the developing website.

5. Learn about the Maintenance and Support offered

It isn’t wise to sign a project without discussing the maintenance and support policy offered by the firm. Post-development of a project the maintenance and support policies play a vital role in the success of the website.
Be it a simple or a complex website once released into the market there may be unexpected as well as expected glitches on it. So, updates play a crucial role in such scenarios.

6. Cost compatibility with the firm

outsourcing development services

The ultimate cost of the project depends upon several factors, as follows:

  • The number of features of the website.
  • The level of complexity of the website.
  • The total number of dedicated hours.
  • The hourly rates of the firms.

Do not shy away from having a clear discussion about the total cost of web development. As there are multiple options out there, you can easily find the best fit. However, never compromise with the crucial features of the website to trim your investment.

Getting a website developed from a WordPress developer can cost anywhere between $20,000 to $45,000.

Final Words

Choosing the best WordPress development company may seem tricky, but with the guidelines mentioned above, you can indeed find your perfect match for the project. Apart from the following guidelines, you can easily trust your instincts as any firm fulfilling them will be an excellent option to choose.

Going for WordPress development services in India that fulfils the discussed criteria will gain you the added advantage of web development at an affordable rate. The country is leading worldwide development projects with its comparatively cheaper human resource.

wordpress development company


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